7 Money Saving Tips For Students | The 411 | PLT

7 Money Saving Tips For Students

04 | 10 | 2017
saving money


This is dedicated to all the baes on a budget. We feel ya.

Bills to pay, rent to fork out for, food shop (y’know.. to stay alive). You got a lot of costs but you still wanna treat yo’self, right!?

Look no further than this handy guide to budgeting. When we say we got’chu, we mean it.


#1 – Don’t pay a hefty monthly fee for a gym you never use.

This one is pretty obvious, we know. You could totally cancel your membership subscription and do home workouts instead.

Look no further than these incredi-baes for workout tips and some SRS inspo.


#2 – Work out what time your local supermarket reduces a load of near-date food and go grab yo’self some bargains.

No shame in this game, girl. Our top tip? Take a mate, things could get messy.



#3 -Shop around for your mobile phone, energy, internet (basically errr’thang) provider.

Girl, an extra 10 mins of research could save you serious dolla.

Don’t just go with the first provider that comes up with a quick Google search.


#4 – We get it. You wanna be a good student but you don’t happen to have £4 million English pounds set aside to buy the ‘necessary’ textbooks for your course.

What is with that, btw? As if we’re not paying enough for the actual tuition.

ANYWAY, type “filetype:pdf” into Google followed by the book/author you’re looking for, and you might get lucky.

You can thank us later.


#5 – Flash that student discount everywhere. And we mean EVERYWHERE.

From the cinema to the supermarket to PLT, student discount is your BFF while you’re at uni.

Honestly, there’s nothing quite as soul crushing as your student discount card expiring.

Trust me, I’m talking from experience here. My advice? Make the most of it while you can, girl.


#6 – Go to every student event at Freshers. Why you ask? FREE sh*t – that’s why.


#7 – Buy the supermarket budget version of your fave groceries.

There’s literally no difference between a grocery budget and expensive branded stuff. We promise.


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