How To Stick To A Food Budget | The 411 | PLT

How To Stick To A Food Budget

12 | 10 | 2017

Food. One of life’s greatest joys, we ain’t even ashamed to admit it. But we get it, you’re on a budget and still wanna eat like a QWEEN. We rounded up our most handy tips to food shopping on a budget without too much compromise.


There ain’t nothin’ wrong with supermarket budget labels. And anyone who says otherwise is a straight up snob, soz. Always opt for your local supermarkets own brand label if they have one. It’s hella cheaper, which obvs means more money for SNACKS. Oh sh*t sorry, we’re meant to be saving money. Oops.

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Make a list before going shopping – and try super hard not to deviate from it! YES those doritos would be a handy snack to have in the cupboard but if they weren’t on the list, they ain’t goin’ in the basket.

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Set a budget and stick to it. Our top tip for this? Take the money in cash, don’t use your card. We all know spending on your card is like having pretend money.

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Look out for vouchers. Lots of supermarkets have their own free magazines, and often these will contain money off vouchers. On the subject.. get a supermarket loyalty card if yours has one. Sure, your housemates might rib you and it makes you feel a bit like your mum to have your clubcard dangling from your keys, but you’re saving money – so who’s the real winner here?

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If you can, buy in bulk! There’s nothing more beautiful than one of those bulk 3kg sacks of pasta. Trust us, we eat enough of it. Pasta is bae.

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Buy frozen instead of fresh. It’s hella cheaper and can stay in the freezer for months! Oh and when we say frozen food, we do NOT necessarily mean family size share bags of chicken nuggets. Speaking of nugs, anyone remember the icon that is King Curtis? We LOVE this kid.

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Never pay for plastic bags. Girl,these used to be FREE. We sure as hell ain’t payin’ for them now. Either invest in a few ‘bag for life’ bags or grab some cute totes you have lying around at home to bring on your food shop instead.

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